Interpretation of Poem One - "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost

Monday, March 15, 2010

I Dream a World

The Poem 'I Dream a World' by Langton Hughes is about a man who dreams of a world without boundaries and a world that is a better place to live.

Repetition is used to make a clear statement. Example:
"I dream a world..."
"I dream a world..."
"I dream a world..."

Another language technique used in this poem is a simile. Example:
"And joy, like a pearl"

The style of language used is subjective, personal and the tone that is used is hopeful.
There is different boundaries that are mentioned in this text. One of these is moral boundaries. Example:
"Where greed no longer saps our soul
Nor avarice blights our day"

Another boundary in this text is a racial boundaries. Example:
"A world I dream where black or white
Whatever race you be
Will share the bounties of the earth
And every man is free"

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